Monthly Archives: January 2018

Short and Sweet

Day 1 down!

Hauled my butt outta bed at 5:45 and onto the elliptical by 6:15. I only did 20 minutes but I’m starting out slow. Going too hard, too fast makes me resent the exercise and this time around I need to move! I am feeling those 20 minutes this evening in my hips. I reached my fitbit step goal for the first time in forever!

Foodwise, I didn’t struggle today. My theory is that my body still has some sugar and fat reserves so my cravings and hunger should hit me tomorrow.  I did decide that the points I use to have my one cup of coffee in the morning aren’t worth it. I like my coffee sweet and light and I could definitely use those points better. So, bye bye caffeine.

All in all, today was successful (EXCEPT that my tv bit the dust and we had to fork out $900 for a new one!). I’m still looking forward hopeful and excited!

This is titled “Short and Sweet” because I’m exhausted and still have a bunch of stuff to do before I fall down dead in my bed.

Thanks for reading!

Last Hoo-rah?

Welcome to Friday folks!

Sitting here planning my weeks to come with Monday being the day we switch over to Weight Watchers Freestyle and I get my butt in gear and start moving my body. I don’t have unreachable goals, I just need to stick with it so I can reach them. I’d like to be under 200 lbs for the first time in forever! Each time I do this (try to get healthy) that is the goal I’m trying to obtain. A few years ago, my husband and I did a diet called “The Pink Method” and I did lose like 35 lbs and felt great but we just couldn’t keep going with the strict food limits. It wasn’t a realistic life change. It wasn’t sustainable. We eventually became rebellious and began to resent the program and just went crazy eating whatever we wanted and as much as we wanted. It sure didn’t take long to get back to right where I was weight wise.

I’m hoping Weight Watchers will give me the ability to eat well but still have a little bit of the things I love without feeling guilty and in turn giving up. When I tried it early in May last year, I don’t remember feeling starved but I didn’t seek out enough support. With my husband joining me this time it should make things easier!

I will spend the next few days enjoying left over christmas treats and we have a final christmas dinner with my husbands side of the family (was so hard to get everyone together during the holidays) on Sunday. Then bring on Monday! I’m ready to get started.

So, all in all, I’m hopeful. Let’s do this!

Fit Before 40

How many times have I done this?

How many times have I started and stopped?

I will be 40 this year. I’ve always told myself I’ve still got time to get my sh*t together before its too late. Before I’m old and achy. Before things have gone too far. Before I have diabetes. But that door is closing. Potential mid life. I’d like to spend this next half of my life feeling better in my body and my mind.

I’ve been overweight since I was 19 years old.

20 years…

20 years of tired. 20 years of disappointment in my body. 20 years of a screwed up back. 20 years of excuses.

Things need to be different. I need to get off some of my medications. I don’t want to end up a diabetic. I want to feel energetic.  So I need a plan.

Luckily I have one! A plan that is…

Both my husband and I have joined Weight Watchers. I tried this program for a 3 month period early last year and lost a little weight but failed to follow through when the person I signed up with never really participated. Another excuse, I know… I need to do this for me and with me but having some support would be super great! Being on the same plan as my husband will make meal times so much easier since we’ll be following the same route.

Exercise! This is where I usually lack. I go too hard off the bat and can’t maintain so I give up. I need to find a routine that will start me off slow (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!). More research needed! Things need to change, just not all at once.

So, here I am. Starting. Taking this week to figure things out and on Monday, its on! I’m hoping sharing what I go through will help me sort everything out and keep me on track.  If anyone has taken the time to read this, thank you.  There will be more to come.

Heres to a year of changes and entering my 40th year on this earth as a healthier, smaller person!